
We are your partner

Right Management helps companies and individuals to effectively manage difficult times. Our team of people provides support with planning, communication and implementation of reorganization changes.

We will quide you through changes efficiently and with minimal risk.


Right Management Outplacement

Many years of experience: We have been implementing Outplacement programs for candidates from all over the world for 35 years.
Patented methodology: Our proven methodology has helped more than 3 million candidates succeed in the labor market.
Certified consultants: Experts who accompany candidates throughout the career change process.
Proven technologies: The RightEverywhere® portal offers unique career tools to help you achieve your career goals.

Career tools

Targeted career plan
Online interview training
30 second performance
Networking as a powerful tool in job search

Personal branding

Creating a personal brand and professional materials for self-presentation
Creating a strong online profile


Self-knowledge in the form of feedback, assessment and personality test
Career tools for revealing strengths, needs, motivation, ideal work environment


Facts about Right Management Outplacement

90% of candidates would recommend the service to others.
80% of candidates identified a career consultant as a key success factor.
70% of candidates got a job with the same or higher salary.
51% increase in candidates’ self-confidence in the job search process after completing the program.
44% of candidates successfully changed the job positions.